Cheese Culture
Woodside Goat on a Hot Tin Roof
Woodside Goat on a Hot Tin Roof
Woodside chèvre is made from fresh local goat milk sourced from Towerview and Oskjberg goat dairies. Pasteurisation is achieved using batch pasteurisation which is very gentle to the milk. Only the freshest milk is used to make the chèvre and handling is minimised. This chèvre itself has a mild flavour with a slight lemony tang.
The name Goat on a Hot Tin Roof (GOHTR) refers to the coating on the outside of the cheese. The flavourings for Goat on a Hot Tin Roof are locally grown at Reedy Creek in South Australia and are a combination of chilli, saltbush, native pepperberry, bush tomato and crushed tanami apples.
Please contact one of our friendly sales representatives to enquire about our cheeses.